Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is meant to help You the user (“You,” or “Your”) understand what data We collect, why We collect it, and what We do with it. Please take the time to read it carefully.

This website (the “Site”) is owned and operated by Full Blast Enterprises LLC, a Colorado limited liability company with its principal office at 9809 Cypress Pt. Cir., Lone Tree, CO 80124 (“FBE,” “Our,” “Us,” or “We”). FBE is responsible for the processing of Your collected personal information and data. By interacting with FBE through the use of Our Site, mobile applications, products, and “Services,” as defined in Our Terms of Use (“TOU”), You consent to the use of information that is collected or submitted as described in this Privacy Policy and Our TOU, which are incorporated into this Privacy Policy by reference. We may change or add to this Privacy Policy and the TOU, so We encourage You to review them periodically. All capitalized terms used in this Privacy Policy but not defined within it have the meanings assigned to them in the TOU.

  1. Information We Collect

We collect information to provide better Services to Our users, clients, and consumers and so We can make decisions about ways to make Our consumer community better. When You interact with FBE through Our Services, Site, or apps, We may collect personally identifiable information (“Personal Data”) and other information from You, as further described below. We may use this information for registration and administration of Your account, processing Your orders, for communications with You, Your participation in research and surveys, customer support and technical assistance, anything You upload or post to or through the Services or Site, and for employment/work applications You submit. The type of information We collect will depend on the manner in which You use Our Site and Services. 

  • Information You Give Us: We collect Personal Data from You when You voluntarily provide such information. Personal information may generally include: name, age or date of birth, postal address, email address, passwords, screen names, and account names, wireless device address, text message address, geolocation information, and payment card and other payment information. We collect Personal Data via Our Site in a variety of circumstances, including when You contact Us with inquiries, respond to a survey, register for access to Our Services, purchase products, or use certain Services. By voluntarily providing Us with Personal Data, You are consenting to Our use of it in accordance with this Privacy Policy and Our TOU. By providing Personal Data in connection with use of Our Site, Services, or apps, and depending on the type and scope of Your use, You acknowledge and agree Your Personal Data may be transferred from Your current location to the offices and servers of FBE and to any authorized third-parties, including but not limited to Google, Google Analytics, Squarespace, GoDaddy, Microsoft, Quickbooks, Mail Chimp, Venmo, Stripe, Paypal, Square, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, or Our other advertising, storage, digital, or management partners as applies from time-to-time. Each of these third-party providers maintains its own privacy policy and terms of service. We do not control and are not responsible for those privacy policies or terms of service. Please visit those sites to review their individual policies and terms. 
  • Contact Information: When You enter Your information through the use of Our Site, Services, or apps, You enter it willingly in agreement with Our TOU for such participation. We will collect and store the information You populate, regardless of whether You pay for Services, to include: Your contact email address, name, address, website URL, phone number and other metadata assigned to You; We obtain this data You enter to create Your profile, screen and to verify Your information. 
  • Other Information: Non-Identifiable Data: When You interact with FBE through the Site or Our Services, We receive and store certain personally non-identifiable information. Such information, which is collected passively using various technologies, cannot presently be used to specifically identify You. FBE may store such information itself or such information may be included in databases owned and maintained by FBE’s affiliates, agents, or service providers. The Services may use such information and pool it with other information to track, for example, the total number of visitors to Our Site, the number of visitors to each page of Our Site, and the domain names of Our visitors’ Internet service providers. There is not any available Personal Data in this process.
  • Aggregated Personal Data: In an ongoing effort to better understand and serve the users of the Site and Our Services, FBE may conduct research on its customer demographics, interests, and behavior based on the Personal Data and other information provided to us. This research may be compiled and analyzed on an aggregate basis, and FBE may share it with FBE’s affiliates, agents, and business partners. This aggregate information does not identify You personally. FBE may also disclose aggregated user statistics to describe Our Services to current and prospective business partners, and to other third-parties for other lawful purposes.
  • Location Information: Our Services and third-parties that are integrated into Our Site may collect and use Your actual location information (for example, by using the GPS on Your mobile device, IP address, and other sensors that may provide FBE with information on nearby devices, Wi-Fi access points, and cell towers, or when You submit materials to the Site that may contain geographic information in the materials’ metadata) to provide certain functionality for Our Site and Services. We may also use Your location information in an aggregate way, as described above in the “Aggregated Personal Data” section.
  • Website Usage Information: We may allow third-party service providers, including but not limited to those listed above, to use cookies or similar technologies to collect information about Your browsing activities over time and across different websites following Your use of the Services. Examples of the types of tracking technologies deployed on Our websites may include the following:

Analytics: We may use third-party web analytics services that use cookies to help Us analyze how users use Our Site and to enhance Your experience when You use the Services. When You visit Our site, the pages You look at, and a short text file called a cookie (detailed more thoroughly below), are downloaded to Your computer. We do not sell, give, or trade the statistics stored by cookies to any third-parties for data-mining or marketing purposes. To learn more about Google Analytics’ use of this data, please visit:

To opt out of Google Analytics for display advertising or customize Google display network ads, visit the Google Ads Settings page

Online Advertising and Marketing Partners: We may utilize and integrate third-party advertising services and technologies. (e.g., ad networks and ad servers such as Facebook, Google Ad Words, and others) that use cookies and other technologies to deliver relevant content and advertising for Us, as well as on other websites You visit and other applications You use. The ads may be based on various factors such as the content of the page You are visiting, information You enter such as Your searches, demographic data, and other information We collect from You. These ads may be based on Your current activity or Your activity over time and across other websites and online services. Please see the following for more information about tailoring browser advertising and how You can generally control cookies related to it:

Network Advertising Initiative’s Consumer Opt-Out link 

Digital Advertising Alliance’s Consumer Opt-Out link 

Your Online Choices  

We neither have access to, nor does this Privacy Policy relate to, the use of cookies or other tracking technologies that may be placed on the device You use to access the Site or Services by non-affiliated third-party advertising network services. We are not responsible for any choices You make using these mechanisms or the continued availability or accuracy of these mechanisms. Please note that if You exercise the opt-out choices above, You will still see advertising when You use the Services, but it will not be tailored to You based on Your online behavior over time. For a current list of the third-party company services We utilize that may or may not collect Your browsing activities, please contact Our Data Protection Officer, as detailed below.

  1. Do Not Track Disclosure

“Do Not Track” (“DNT”) is a privacy preference that users can set in certain web browsers. We are committed to providing You with meaningful choices about the information collected on Our website for third-party purposes. We therefore provide a variety of opt-out mechanisms listed above. However, We do not currently recognize or respond to browser-initiated DNT signals. Please visit the Future of Privacy Forum’s website for more information on Do Not Track.

  1. How We Use Information We Collect

We use the information We collect to provide, maintain, protect, and improve Our Services, to develop new Services, and to protect FBE and Our users. We also use this information to offer You tailored content, like giving You more relevant search results and ads. We use information collected from cookies and other technologies to improve Your user experience and the overall quality of Our Services. We use user contact information (name, email, address) for educational and promotional purposes, such as sharing offers and new techniques and other educational information with You. If You provide Personal Data to obtain access to the Site or Our Services, We will use Your Personal Data to provide You with access to such Services and to monitor Your use of such Services. FBE and its affiliates may use this information to contact You in the future to tell You about Services We believe will be of interest to You. Each marketing communication We send will contain instructions permitting the recipient to “opt out” of receiving future marketing communications. In addition, if at any time You wish not to receive any future marketing communications or You wish to have Your name deleted from Our mailing lists, please contact Us as indicated below.

We may also use contact information to suggest connections and to enable You to invite others to use Our Services and connect with You. It is Your choice whether to invite someone to Our Services. For clarity, if an invitee accepts the invitation, then the invitee shall be subject to the terms of this Privacy Policy and Our TOU. If We intend to use any Personal Data in any manner that is not consistent with this Privacy Policy, You will be informed of such anticipated use prior to or at the time at which the Personal Data is collected. We retain Your Personal Data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes described in this Privacy Policy, unless otherwise required by law. For example, We keep Your account profile information for as long as You keep Your Site account, but We may keep other information longer to comply with legal obligations.  

  1. Our Disclosure of Your Personal Data and Other Information

We do not sell Your information. We consider this information to be a vital part of Our relationship with You. There are, however, certain circumstances in which We may share Your Personal Data with certain third-parties without further notice to You, as discussed above and set forth below:

  • Business Transfers: As We develop Our business, We might sell or buy businesses or assets. In the event of a corporate sale, merger, reorganization, acquisition, dissolution, liquidation, or similar event, Personal Data may be part of the transferred or affected assets. We reserve the right to transfer all Personal Data in Our possession to a successor entity in the event of a merger, acquisition, bankruptcy, or other sale of all or a portion of Our assets. Other than to the extent ordered by a bankruptcy or other court, the use and disclosure of all transferred Personal Data will be subject to this Privacy Policy, or to a new privacy policy upon notice to You and where You do not affirmatively opt-out. Personal Data submitted or collected after a transfer may be subject to a new privacy policy of the successor entity.
  • Related Companies: We may also share Your Personal Data with any affiliate companies for purposes consistent with this Privacy Policy, as discussed in this Privacy Policy.
  • Agents, Consultants, and Related Third-Parties: FBE, like many businesses, sometimes hires other companies to perform certain business-related functions. Examples of such functions include mailing information, maintaining databases, analytics, and processing payments. When We employ another entity to perform a function of this nature, We only provide them with the information that they need to perform their specific function.
  • Legal Requirements: FBE may disclose Your Personal Data if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to: (i) comply with any applicable law, legal process, judgment, order, or enforceable governmental request; (ii) protect and defend the rights or property of FBE, including the enforcement of applicable TOU, including investigation of potential violations; (iii) act in urgent circumstances to protect the personal safety of users of Our Services or the public, including the detection, prevention, or to otherwise address fraud, security, or technical issues; or, (iv) protect against legal liability.
  • Consent. We may also disclose Your information in other ways You direct Us to and when We have Your consent.
  1. Our Use of Cookies and Similar Online Tools

We may use cookies, server logs, tags, tracking pixels, and other similar tracking technologies to receive and store certain types of information whenever You interact with Us or third-parties that use Our Services, as described in this Privacy Policy. Examples of information generally provided by these search technologies include but are not limited to: pages You visit, ads You click on, type of browser, device, or hardware You use, purchase information, IP location, and search terms. 

  • A web server log is a file where website activity is stored.
  • A cookie is a small text file that is placed on Your computer or mobile device when You visit a site, that enables Us to: (i) recognize Your computer/device; (ii) store Your preferences and settings; (iii) understand the parts of the Services You have visited and used; (iv), enhance Your user experience by delivering and measuring the effectiveness of content and advertising tailored to Your interests; (v) perform searches and analytics; and (vi) assist with security and administrative functions.
  • Tracking pixels (sometimes referred to as web beacons or clear GIFs) are tiny electronic tags with a unique identifier embedded in websites, online ads or email that are designed to: (1) collect usage information like ad impressions or clicks and email open rates; (2) measure popularity of the Services and associated advertising; and (3) access user cookies.

All tracking technologies detailed within this Privacy Policy may be deployed by Us or Our third-party service providers on Our behalf. By using Our Site or Services, You agree to Our use of the above tracking technologies. You may refuse to supply Personal Data or opt out of data tracking by contacting Us at the information below, with the understanding it may prevent You from using the Site, the Services, or engaging in certain Site- or FBE-related activities, in whole or in part. Your browser can also help You manage these tracking technologies. You can choose to have Your computer warn You each time a cookie is being sent, or You can choose to turn off or block all cookies. These options are generally available through the settings menu on each browser and device You use. Each browser is a little different, so look at Your browser “Help” menu to learn the correct way to modify the use of these technologies (e.g., Internet Explorer; Chrome; Firefox; Safari). Please note, if You turn them off, You may not have access to many features of Our Site and Services

  1. Your Choices.
  2. Your Choices, Generally. You may instruct Us not to use Your contact information to contact You by email, mail, or phone regarding products, services, promotions and special events that might appeal to Your interests by contacting Us using the information below. In commercial email messages, You can also opt out by following the instructions located at the bottom of each email. Please note, regardless of Your request, We may still use and share certain information as permitted by this Privacy Policy or as required by applicable law. For example, You may not opt out of certain operational emails, such as those reflecting Our relationship or transactions with You.
  3. Privacy Information for California Residents. If You are a California resident, We are providing some additional information regarding how We collect, use, and share Your “personal information” in association with the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) and the California Privacy Rights Act (“CPRA”)).
  4. Categories of personal information We collect. Throughout this Policy, We discuss in detail the specific pieces of personal information We collect from and about Our users. Under the CCPA, We are also required to provide You with the “categories” of personal information We collect. The categories We collect are: identifiers (such as name, age or date of birth, postal address, email address, passwords, screen names, and account names); commercial information (such as transaction data); financial data (such as credit card information); internet or other network or device activity (e.g., IP address, browsing history, or app usage); general and precise geolocation information; inference data about You (e.g., the products and services You might be interested in based on other products and services You use); and legally protected classifications (e.g., gender); and other information that identifies or can be reasonably associated with You. We do not collect personal health information, sexual orientation, religious information, or genetic data.
  5. How We use and share these categories of personal information. We use and share the categories of personal information We collect from and about You consistent with the various business purposes We discuss throughout this Policy. Please note the CCPA, as amended by Proposition 24 (2020), sets forth certain obligations for businesses that “sell” personal information to third-parties. We do not engage in such activity and have not engaged in such activity in the past twelve months.
  6. Your California Privacy Rights. If You are a California resident, the CCPA allows You to make certain requests about Your personal information. Specifically, the CCPA allows You to request Us to:
  • Inform You about the categories of personal information We collect or disclose about You; the categories of sources of such information; the business or commercial purpose for collecting Your personal information; and the categories of third-parties with whom We share or disclose personal information.
  • Provide access to or a copy of certain information We hold about You.
  • Delete certain information We have about You.
  • Request that We not share Your Personal Data.
  • Correct Your inaccurate Personal Data.
  • Request We limit Our use of Your sensitive personal information, including precise geolocation, race, ethnicity, religion, genetic data, private communications, sexual orientation, and specified health information. To be clear, We do not collect much of this information, as defined in Proposition 24 (2020), and as described above.

Please note that certain information may be exempt from such requests under California law. For example, We need certain information in order to provide the Services to You. We also will take reasonable steps to verify Your identity before responding to a request. If You are a California resident and You would like to exercise any of Your data rights under California law, please contact Us at Please include Your full name, email address, and residential address associated with Your use of Our Services, along with the rights You would like to exercise, so that We can process Your request in an efficient manner. 

  1. Right to Non-Discrimination. The CCPA further provides You with the right to not be discriminated against (as provided for in applicable law) for exercising Your rights. In regard to and as a result of Your exercise of this right, We may not then:
  • deny You goods or services that We would not otherwise;
  • charge You different prices for services, whether through denying benefits or imposing penalties;
  • provide You with a different level or quality of services; and 
  • threaten You with any of the above.
  1. Shine the Light Disclosure. The California “Shine the Light” law gives residents of California the right under certain circumstances to request information from Us regarding the manner in which We share certain categories of personal information (as defined in the Shine the Light law) with third-parties for their direct marketing purposes. We do not share Your personal information with third-parties for their own direct marketing purposes.
  2. Retention of Personal Data. We retain Your Personal Data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes described in this Privacy Policy, unless otherwise required by law. For example, We keep Your account profile information for as long as You keep Your Site account, but We may keep other information longer to comply with legal obligations. We do not retain Personal Data for any length of time longer than reasonably necessary for the purposes detailed in this Privacy Policy. 
  3. Privacy Information for Nevada Residents. Under Nevada law, certain Nevada consumers may opt out of the sale of “personally identifiable information” for monetary consideration (as such terms are defined under Nevada law) to a person for that person to license or sell such information to additional persons. We do not engage in such activity. If You are a Nevada resident who has purchased Services from us, however, You may submit a request to opt out of any potential future sales under Nevada law by emailing Us at Please include Your full name, email address, and residential address associated with Your use of Our Services, along with the rights You would like to exercise, so that We can process Your request in an efficient manner. Please note We will take reasonable steps to verify Your identity and the authenticity of the request. Once verified, We will maintain Your request in the event Our practices change.
  4. Exclusions

This Privacy Policy only applies to Personal Data FBE collects through its Services, Site, and apps. This Privacy Policy does not apply to any unsolicited information You provide. All unsolicited information is deemed to be non-confidential, and FBE is free to reproduce, use, disclose, and distribute such information to others without royalty, limitation, or attribution.

  1. Children Under the Ages of 16 or 13

FBE does not knowingly collect Personal Data from children under the age of 16 without permission, and does not knowingly collect any Personal Data from minors under 13. If You are under the age of 16, please do not submit any Personal Data through the Site, Our apps, or the Services without first providing Us permission. We encourage parents and legal guardians to monitor their children’s Internet usage and to help enforce Our Privacy Policy by instructing their children never to provide Personal Data on the Site without their permission. If You are a minor under the age of 16, or a parent or legal guardian and have reason to believe a child under the age of 16 has provided Us Personal Data without consent, or a child under 13 has provided any Personal Data to FBE through the Site or the Services, please contact Us at the information below and We will endeavor to delete that information from Our databases.

  1. Links to Other Websites

This Privacy Policy applies only to Our Site and Services. Our Site and Services may contain links to other websites not operated or controlled by FBE (the “Other Sites”). The policies and procedures described here do not apply to the Other Sites. The links from the Site and Services do not imply that FBE endorses or has reviewed the Other Sites. You should contact and review those sites directly for information on their privacy policies.

  1. Protection and Security of Personal Data

FBE takes reasonable steps to protect the Personal Data provided via Our Site and Services from loss, misuse, and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. No Internet or email transmission, however, is ever fully secure or error free. In particular, email sent to or from Our Site or Services may not be secure. We have no liability for disclosure of Your information due to errors or unauthorized acts of third-parties during or after transmission. If You create an account on Our Site, You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of Your account password and for any activity that occurs under Your account. Please notify Us of any unauthorized use of Your password or account.

Based on the foregoing, You should take special care in selecting Your password and in deciding what information You send to Us via email or the Internet. Please keep all of this in mind when disclosing any Personal Data to FBE. If We believe that the security of Your Personal Data in Our care may have been compromised, We will attempt to promptly notify You within 72 hours. If We have Your email address, We may notify You by email using the most recent email address You have provided us. Please keep Your email address and other contact information in Your account up-to-date. You consent to Our use of email as a means of such notification. If You prefer for Us to use the U.S. Postal Service to notify You in this situation, please email Us at (please include Your name, mailing address, and email address). You can make this election at any time, and it will apply to notifications We make after a reasonable time thereafter for Us to process Your request.

  1. Other Terms and Conditions

Your access to and use of the Site and the Services is subject to Our TOU.

  1. Changes to Our Privacy Policy

Our Site, Services, and business may change from time-to-time. It may therefore be necessary for FBE to make changes to this Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to update or modify this Privacy Policy at any time and from time-to-time without prior notice. Please review this policy periodically and especially before You provide any Personal Data. This Privacy Policy was last updated on the date indicated below. Your continued use of Our Site and Services after any changes or revisions to this Privacy Policy indicates Your agreement with the terms of such revised Privacy Policy.

  1. When this Privacy Policy Applies

Our Privacy Policy applies to Our Site, Our Services and Services affiliates, including services offered on other sites (such as Our advertising services), but excludes services that have separate privacy policies that do not incorporate this Privacy Policy. Our Privacy Policy does not apply to services offered by other companies, third-parties, or individuals, including products or sites that may be displayed to You in search results, sites that may include FBE Services, or other sites linked from Our Services. Our Privacy Policy does not cover the information practices of other companies and organizations who advertise Our services, and who may use cookies, pixel tags, and other technologies as detailed above to serve and offer relevant ads.

  1. Spam Policy

As You sign up for Services with us, You may be asked for Your email address, or initially contacted at Your email address provided through a public domain. This information is used to keep You informed of any changes in Your status with Our company or to occasionally pass on important information about Our Services or offerings. If You are using or have signed up to become a part of Our mailing list through utilization of an opt-in feature, Your information is used to keep in contact with You related to company or industry news, special offerings, upcoming events, or announcements from Our company. We maintain a strict ‘no-spam’ policy. Your email address, personal information, or mailing address will not be sold or rented to a third-party. If, at any time, You wish to be removed from Our distribution, customer, participation, or opt-in list, simply contact Us at Removals are usually completed within 72 hours. We strive to protect information transmitted, collected, stored, or received on behalf of FBE.

  1. Information Accessibility; Contacting FBE

We welcome questions, comments, and concerns about Our Privacy Policy and privacy practices. To keep Your Personal Data accurate, current, and complete, please contact Us as specified below. We will take reasonable steps to update, correct, modify, or delete Personal Data in Our possession that You have previously submitted via Our Site or Services, or to resolve any additional privacy issue You identify. We aim to maintain Our Services in a manner that protects information from accidental or malicious destruction. Because of this, after You delete information from Our Site or Services, We may not immediately delete residual copies from Our active servers and may not remove information from Our backup systems. 

  1. Contact Us

To communicate with Our Data Protection Officer, please email with the subject line, “attn: DATA PROTECTION OFFICER.”

Please also feel free to contact Us if You have any questions about FBE’s Privacy Policy or the information practices of Our Site and Services. You may contact Us at the following information:

Attn: Privacy Department
Full Blast Enterprises LLC
9809 Cypress Pt. Cir.
Lone Tree, CO 80124

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